The Reading Therapy

Reading, a natural therapy to eliminate anxiety, moodiness and stress
Reading is a truly sustainable lifestyle habit, according to International Literacy Association (ILA) And thanks to the paper, you remember better what you have read, for example a beautiful novel. Three tips for loving the book and turning it into your lifelong lover:
Read, read, read.
It is not just a duty, when for example we study or prepare a professional test (think of a competition and the related texts to face it) very important for our future.
It is above all pleasures, to be discovered and cultivated, an authentic stamp for a sustainable lifestyle. Reading, once you have grasped it in this dimension of pure pleasure, of enrichment of your person and of your knowledge, you will never give up. He will be the lover of your whole life. And over time, you will understand better that, thanks to reading, you will never have wasted time, joy, talent and human relationships, but you will also feel stronger than the dangerous curves of life. Reading has made you more solid, in your head and heart.
Benefits of Reading
If you make this sustainable choice, let yourself also be guided by instinct, by a passion that starts from within you, and do not always and only remain prisoners of the advice of other readers or in any case of an almost obliged to become a “strong” reader, that is, provided with continuity in reading. There are several “Must Read” Books, from where you can start.
Those who love fiction, for example, cannot ignore in any way and for any reason the masters of Italian, French, German, Russian, American and Eastern European literature from the Great Novel of the Nineteenth Century. But if you don’t like the great writers of the nineteenth century, and then of the twentieth century, you don’t feel the strength and emotion of his narrative vein, then don’t waste time and useless efforts: close the book, and move on. Maybe then you will try again a few years later, and then, maybe, your reaction will be different.
How to Conquer the Pleasure of Reading
Another fundamental aspect to conquer the pleasure of reading is, while respecting all the technological wonders of this world, the choice to always prefer the paper. Yes, the tactile dimension of the book, which already as physical contact with the skin, creates a relationship and therefore a very pleasant chemistry for your senses. Not surprisingly, those who really love books and reading, place libraries, even tiny ones, wherever they live, in any room of the house as it is precisely the paper books that produce and spread warmth, companionship, knowledge. And not just furniture for a room.
Among the many radical changes that technology has produced in our lifestyles, there is also that relating to the relationship with reading books. But after the long season of emphasis on digital reading, a sort of rethinking is emerging on the importance of paper, on how useful and even precious a return, at least partial, to reading paper books, and not through devices, can be electronic.
For example, some scientific studies show that reading a book on paper, and not in a digital version, you remember better and remember more details. Not only that: the abstraction of thought is favored, and therefore creativity and imagination.
Advantages of Reading
Obviously partial recovery of paper books also helps to better evaluate the increasingly surprising benefits of reading. How many times, since you were a child, have they repeated the importance of reading to you? Yet the fall seems unstoppable despite the fact that science does nothing but remind us how books make us better. In all senses.
Positive Aspects of Reading
A study comes from the New School for Social Research in New York and is signed by an Italian, Emanuele Castano, who published the results in the science journal. What did Castano discover by observing groups of readers divided by age groups? Reading books increases empathy and the ability to relate to others. Therefore, it improves us.
Because Reading is Good
The reading affects on another and also very big part of the literature – writing. You can become a writer, with a few writing tips, only you are already a strong reader. To be a professional writer, or at least a good one, you need a huge amount of books, that you have read, during the years.
Not only that: it is very suitable for treating anxiety and mood disorders and for learning to live with some chronic diseases. In particular, the empathy effect and the increase in the ability to relate with others prove to be very effective on children who, through books and reading, come out of their shell, from the tendency to isolate themselves favored by the compulsive use of computers and cell phones. These are good reasons not to waste the opportunities that derive from reading and to remind us how many benefits we can have from a simple book that can even change our lives for the better.